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Writing for publication - tips and (free) tools: Home

A collection of tips, tools and guides to help with the writing process. Each item contains a link to the tool as well as its use.

Writing for publication in SVHG

You publish to:

-share information and add to the body of research
-reduce uncertainty on a clinical topic
-study an aspect of your discipline in detail
-improve patient safety
-inform practice and learning
-fulfil a requirement in your discipline

Your Library can help with:

developing a focused clinical question
training on creating a search strategy OR
building a search strategy for you
locating “grey literature”
finding full text of papers
managing the results of the search

You should publish if:

-you have identified a gap in the research
-you have a query relating to existing practice
-you have encountered a rare condition in your practice
-you wish to build your profile in a particular field

Your Library will:

hold regular Writing Workshops
assist in setting up your unique ORCID profile
provide information on the peer review process and how to survive it
track and promote your publication

Where should I publish?

-in a peer review scientific journal
-ideally open-access with a reasonable APC
-in a journal that allows self-archiving

N.B. We strongly recommend you check with your Library to avoid submitting your paper to a “predatory journal”.  These have become much more sophisticated and harder to detect

Your Library can:

help identify the most appropriate journal for your paper
check the publisher’s policy on self-archiving
assist with Copyright retention

What should I publish?

Ask yourself:

What is my goal in doing this paper?
Do I have any resource restrictions
Ethical considerations?
Has my query recently been covered in the literature?
Target audience profile?

The appropriate study type will depend on the answers to the above and your focused question

Your Library can:

provide information on reporting requirements for different study types
indicate the appropriate quality checklists for your study type and support their implementation

Anything else?

Use the single consistent affiliation description for each hospital, for the Group, and/or for your affiliated Academic body.
Include your ORCID ID
Check the publisher’s Author Guidelines

Your Library can:

help in formatting or checking the reference style
advise on the affiliation styles

Come talk to us in the Library……we’re here to help