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Library Basics: Everything you need to get started with the Library: Finding full text items

Sourcing through SVHG library

Journal articles image

  • Use one of our databases (eg. Pubmed, Cinahl) to search for the article. Click on pdf or publisher icon. If we subscribe to the journal full text should be available here. 
  • You can check the individual journal. Type the journal name into the search box. Click on the full text links below the title. Follow year, volume and issue to find your citation.
  • If neither of these work we can source it elsewhere. Simply fill in the article details on this form

Browser extensions for full text access:

A browser extension can help you easily access PDFs for articles subscribed to by SVHG library or open access alternatives.

  • Google Scholar Button  –  Enables faster access to scholarly literature indexed in Google Scholar. Add to your browser. Highlight the article details/title and click the button. It will search Google Scholar for the article without leaving your current web page.
  • Open Access Button - Add OA extension to your browser and pin it to the address bar for instant use. Highlight an article title on webpage or database and on the extension. The extension will search for an Open Access version of the paper
  • EndNote Click - Requires one-time registration before adding it to your browser. Searches across Google Scholar, Web of Science and PubMed for OA versions of articles. Users can download articles or save to the EndNote Click locker for reading at later date.
  • CORE Discovery – Part of the CORE database which collects and indexes research from repositories and journals. Discovery is a free browser extension that helps to discover open access versions of research papers.
  • Get FullTextResearch - Provides researchers with faster access to the published research they need, whether subscription or open access.and displays the GetFTR indicator on the search results, article page or references so that you can easily determine which content their institution has made available to them
  • Unpaywall - Searches across thousands of repositories to see if there's a free copy. If there is, you'll see a green tab on your screen. Just click and it will take you to the full text..